
The metadata of depositar are composed of dataset level metadata and resource level metadata.

Dataset Level

We have organized the metadata at the dataset level into three categories: Basic Information, Spatio-temporal Information, and Management Information.

Basic Information

Field Name Required Description Range
Title No It is recommended to make it brief but specific. E.g. “Taiwan population density by region” is better than “Population figures”. Must be a valid unicode string. The value will be the same as the URL field if the provided value is empty.
URL Yes This URL will be unique across CKAN. Only letters, numbers, - and _ characters are accepted. The URL will be generated automatically when you input the title of the dataset. If there is no letter or number in the title, a random hash will be generated. You can modify the generated URL afterwards. Must not be empty. Must be a valid unicode string. There can not be a dataset with the given name already exists. The length limit for the URL is from 2 characters to 100 characters.
Description No You can add a longer description of the dataset here, including information such as where the data is from and any information that people will need to know when using the data. Markdown
Data Type Yes The type of the dataset. Fields will be changed according to the data type. Accept multiple values. Use the PARSE.Insight Content-types.
Wikidata Keywords No The short term to describe the contents of the dataset. You can search and select keywords from Wikidata by an autocomplete dropdown list as shown below [1]. Wikidata entries are multilingual, which means the language of keywords may align with the site language setting. Use the Tags field above when there is no proper entry in the Wikidata to describe the dataset. Accept multiple values.
Tags No Here you may add tags that will help people find the data and link it with other related data. Please only use this field when there is no proper entry in the Wikidata to describe the dataset. Otherwise, use the Wikidata Keywords field above instead. Accept multiple values. Must be a valid unicode string, -, _, or . characters. The length limit for the tag is from 1 characters to 100 characters.
Language No The language of the dataset (e.g., Chinese or Japanese). Main language (according to Wikipedia: World language and Languages of Taiwan) will be listed first, followed by other ISO 639-3 languages in alphabetical order. Accept multiple values. Must be a language defined in ISO 639-3.
Remarks No You can put some supplementary information for the dataset here. Markdown

Spatio-temporal Information

Field Name Required Description Range
Temporal Resolution No Please refer to Fill-in snippet for temporal information.

Must be one of the following resolution:

Start Time No Same as above

Must be in one of the following format:

End Time No Same as above Same as above
Spatial No Please refer to Fill-in snippet for spatial fields. GeoJSON format
X.min No Same as above Must be a float between -180 and 180, and X.max must be greater than X.min.
X.max No Same as above Same as above
Y.min No Same as above Must be a float between -90 and 90, and Y.max must be greater than Y.min.
Y.max No Same as above Same as above
Spatial Resolution No Spatial resolution (m) of source. Must be a positive float.

Management Information

Field Name Required Description Range
License Yes It is important to include license information so that people know how they can use the data. If you need to use a license not on the list, please select the “Other Licenses” and mark the license in the Remarks field above.

Must be one of the following licenses:

Author Yes The name of the person or project responsible for producing the data.  
Created Time No The time when the resources in the dataset were created.

Must be in one of the following format:

Process Step No Steps of data generating process. Markdown
Project No If you are a member of any projects, this drop-down will enable you to choose which one should own the dataset. If you select “No project”, this dataset will not be owned by any project and will be opened to the public. If you check the “Open for project members only” box below this field [2], this dataset will only be seen by members of the project owning the dataset and will not show up in searches by other users. Otherwise, the dataset will be public and can be seen by any user of the site.  
Contact Person No The name of the person responsible for maintaining the data.  
Contact Person Email No The email of the person responsible for maintaining the data. Email format

Resource Level

Field Name Required Description Range
URL No The url of the resource. Must be a valid unicode string.
Name No The title of the resource. Must be a valid unicode string.
Description No You can add a longer description of the resource here. Markdown
Character Encoding No The character encoding of the resource (e.g., UTF-8 or Big5). For Shapefile resource.

IANA Character Sets:

Coordinate Systems No The coordinate systems of the spatial resource. The EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) system has been used. For Shapefile resource. Must be a postive integer.
Format No The file format of the resource (e.g., CSV, XLS, JSON, or PDF). The data preview function will check this field to specify a proper resource view. Please refer to Extended feature — Data preview and visualization. Must be a valid unicode string.