Manual for Validators and Converters

CKAN has the validator mechanism to check if the given value is valid. CKAN also comes with converters to transform the given value into a valid value.

Internal Validators and Converters

ckanext.data_depositario.converters.remove_blank_wrap(value, context)

Remove blank and text wrap in the value.

ckanext.data_depositario.converters.value_string_convert(key, data, errors, context)

Takes a list of values that is a comma-separated string (in data[key]) and parses values. These are added to the data dict, enumerated. Borrowed from tag_string_convert in CKAN core.

External Validators and Converters

Return the value in the name field if the provided value is empty.
Checks that the provided value (if it is present) is a valid unicode string.
Only check if the provided value is empty.
Check that no package with the given name already exists and limit the length of the name from 2 characters to 100 characters.
If the field is required, apply the not_empty validator. Otherwise, apply the ignore_missing validator.
Must be empty or one of the field choices values.
By putting ignore_missing at the start of the schema list for a field, you can allow users to post a dataset or resource without the field and the dataset or resource will pass validation. But if they post a dataset or resource that does contain the field, then any validators after ignore_missing in the dataset’s or resource’s schema list will be applied.
Check that if the tag is a valid unicode string, -, _, or . characters. And limit the length of the tag from 1 characters to 100 characters.
Accept the empty string.
Must be in the form of Python list (e.g., ["Q1", "Q2"]) or string (e.g., "Q1, Q2").
Must be in the form of Python list (e.g., ["Q1", "Q2"]) or string (e.g., "Q1, Q2"). And the values must be in the field choices values.
Must be a postive integer.
Must be “no project” or an existing project.
Must be in a valid email address.
Remove the leading and trailing whitespace characters in the string.
Guess file format if it is empty.
Convert the filename extension to lower case.

Validators and Converters Used for Metadata

Dataset Level


Default validators for optional fields: ignore_missing unicode

Default validators for required fields: not_empty unicode

Basic Information

Field Name Validators and Converters
Title if_empty_same_as(name) unicode
URL not_empty unicode package_name_validator
Description Default validators for optional fields
Data Type scheming_required scheming_multiple_choice
Wikidata Keywords wikidata_keyword
Tags ignore_missing tag_string_convert
Language value_string_convert scheming_multiple_choice
Remarks Default validators for optional fields

Spatio-temporal Information

Field Name Validators and Converters
Temporal Resolution scheming_required scheming_choices
Start Time ignore_empty
End Time ignore_empty end_time_validator
Spatial ignore_empty json_validator remove_blank_wrap
X.min ignore_empty long_validator
X.max ignore_empty long_validator
Y.min ignore_empty lat_validator
Y.max ignore_empty lat_validator
Spatial Resolution ignore_empty positive_float_validator

Management Information

Field Name Validators and Converters
License Default validators for required fields
Creator Default validators for required fields
Created Time ignore_empty date_validator
Process Step Default validators for optional fields
Project owner_org_validator unicode
Contact Person Default validators for optional fields
Contact Person Email ignore_missing unicode email_validator

Resource Level

Field Name Validators and Converters
URL ignore_missing unicode remove_whitespace
Name Default validators for optional fields
Description Default validators for optional fields
Character Encoding scheming_required scheming_choices
Coordinate Systems ignore_empty is_positive_integer
Format if_empty_guess_format ignore_missing clean_format unicode