RDF Serializations ================== |site_name| uses `RDF serializer `_ provided by ckanext-dcat to expose RDF graph. For the alignments of the metadata of |site_name| and RDF vocabularies, please refer to :doc:`../appendix/metadata-mapping/dcat/index`. .. note:: This feature is a work in process. If you have any comment or feedback, please `contact us`_. .. note:: The currently supported formats are: ========= ========= =================== Format Extension Media Type ========= ========= =================== RDF/XML xml application/rdf+xml Turtle ttl text/turtle Notation3 n3 text/n3 JSON-LD jsonld application/ld+json ========= ========= =================== .. hint:: About the ``{}`` in the following sections: * For the ``dataset-id``, please fill in the dataset's **URL**. * For the ``format``, please fill in the **Extension** in the above table. * For the ``media_type``, please fill in the **Media Type** in the above table. Method 1: RDF Endpoints ----------------------- .. parsed-literal:: Catalog endpoint: :site_url:`catalog.{format}` Dataset endpoints: :site_url:`dataset/{dataset-id}.{format}` You can also access the serialization using the **Other Access** widget in the bottom left corner of the dataset page: .. image:: /images/rdf_serializations.png Method 2: Content Negotiation ----------------------------- Please run the command below: .. parsed-literal:: curl :site_url:`dataset/{dataset-id}` -H Accept:{media_type} Example ------- To get the RDF/XML format of the :site_url:`Example dataset `: Method 1: .. parsed-literal:: :site_url:`dataset/place-names-in-west-central-district-of-tainan.xml` Method 2: Run the command below: .. parsed-literal:: curl :site_url:`dataset/place-names-in-west-central-district-of-tainan` -H Accept:application/rdf+xml